May 6, 2014

Apple Butter - Country Recipes Style

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From an older Amish or Pennsylvania Dutch Cookery book, this recipe for apple butter is simply outstanding. Make it in a large batch or in a smaller one so that you have just enough for fresh apple butter for a country meal. You can also consider giving it away as gifts for Christmas or another holiday. Nothing is as delicious as a gift from your kitchen.

Apple Butter

Country recipes for apple butter are as individual as the cooks who are making them. Apple butter has always been a favorite, spread onto warm toast or muffins, or even heated slightly and used on pancakes or waffles. Try out this old recipe and see if you love it as much as we do.

Apple Butter

You Will Need
* 4 qts. Apples
* 2 qts. apple cider
* 2 cups sugar
* 2 cups dark corn syrup
* 1 tsp. cinnamon, allspice and 1/8 tsp cloves Country Recipes Style, 1/8 tsp nutmeg Country Recipes Style

Apple Butter

To Create Apple Butter Country Recipes Style: Boil the beverage till reduced to one quart in Apple Butter. Pare the apples and slice skinny. Place the apples into the beverage and cook terribly slowly, Apple Butter, stirring often, till it begins to thicken. Now To Create Apple Butter Country Recipes Style Add sugar, sweetening and cinnamon and still cook till thick enough to unfold once cool. Confine sterilized jars. Makes five to six pints Apple Butter Country Recipes Style.

May 4, 2014

Turkey Stuffing - Country Recipes Style

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Many people today make their stuffing from a box and there is nothing wrong with that if you like it, or want to. If you’re doing it because you simply don’t know how to make real stuffing from scratch, then let us help you figure out how to get it done.

Turkey Stuffing

Real stuffing isn’t actually a great deal more effort than the boxed variety. Along the way, you’re losing a lot of the salt that you will get in any boxed meal and picking up a little protein and other things from the use of turkey orchicken broth to cook the stuffing. We love the taste of sage and poultry seasoning. You may want to lower the amount that you use, based on your own tastes. Sage dressing tends to be something that is a favorite around our house so we use a bit of extra. Adjust it to suit your tastes by adding about half the amount that we use of a milder stuffing and then adding slowly until you get the flavor that you’re looking for.

Traditional Turkey Stuffing: For the turkey or chicken broth we normally make our own by boiling the neck and giblets of the turkey in a saucepan along with a whole stalk of celery, including the leaves, as well as five chopped green onions or one half a cooking onion which has been diced very finely. Smash one clove of garlic and chop about a third of the clove into the broth as well.

Turkey Stuffing - Country Recipes Style

To make Traditional Sage Stuffing You Will need 3 cups of chicken or turkey broth, into which you have added one stalk of chopped celery and one half finely chopped medium onion. One loaf of homemade bread or one loaf of stuffing bread, cubed into one half inch cubes (5 cups of bread)

One half cup of butter
Salt and pepper to taste.
One teaspoon of sage
One teaspoon poultry seasoning.

Turkey Stuffing

Put the cubed bread onto a cookie sheet and drizzle it with melted butter. Sprinkle it with freshly ground salt and pepper and put into a 350 degree oven for about 10 minutes to brown your bread cubes. Remove the bread crumbs from the oven and place them into the pot of broth and onion and celery. Add the sage and poultry seasoning and adjust to your personal taste.

May be cooked inside the turkey, so long as your oven thermometer reaches the appropriate temperature, or may be cooked separately in a roasting pan which has been covered. Cook approximately 30 minutes at 350 degrees if you are roasting the stuffing outside of your turkey or chicken.

May 3, 2014

A Quick Easy Stovetop Holiday Cookie Recipe - Country Recipes Style

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With the holidays upon us, many are hustling around cooking and crafting in preparation for the celebrations taking place. You may be doing some of these things yourself. While some of these types of things are quite time consuming, other ones are quick and easy to do.

A Quick Easy Stovetop Holiday Cookie Recipe - Country Recipes Style

If you are not highly skilled at home made goodies or crafts, you may be looking for the simple more basic ideas to try your hand at doing. Are you looking for a quick, easy cookie to add to your goodies for your gathering? Check out the recipe below to see if it will fit the bill. Date Coconut Krispies

Stovetop Holiday Cookie Recipe

1 pound of pitted chopped dates
1 stick of butter
1 cup of sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla
4 cups of Rice Krispies cereal
1 cup of coconut

Stovetop Holiday Cookie Recipe

Powdered sugar Directions: Cook dates, butter and sugar together in a heavy skillet on medium heat, CountryRecipes Style, stirring constantly, Stovetop Holiday Cookie Recipe, until the mixture is mushy. Stir in the vanilla. Add the Rice Krispies and coconut and mix thoroughly. Let mixture cool enough to handle it and form it into about 1-inch balls. Roll in powdered sugar and allow to completely cool. Recoat with powdered sugar. Young and old alike love these chewy, sweet cookies. They take very little time to make and keep quite well without becoming hard or stale. This makes them ideal for parties and gifts.

Stovetop Holiday Cookie Recipe

Optional ingredients: Nuts could be used in place of the coconut for those who do not like the coconut. Just make sure the nuts are chopped finely. Cinnamon makes a nice addition to the powdered sugar to give a different flavor. If you enjoy chocolate coconut-add a quarter cup of regular cocoa powder to the dates, butter, and sugar as they cook. Dust them with cocoa powder rather than powdered sugar when they are done. Substitute almond flavoring for vanilla for a unique flavor combination.

Make these cookies for your next holiday gathering. Just make sure to make plenty of them, so you have some left for your private enjoyment. There is nothing better than homemade treats made through loving crafting efforts of the host. People appreciate the extra touches these add to the party.

May 2, 2014

Cranberry Conserve - Country Recipes Style

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Cranberry conserve is a remarkably tasty alternative to the canned jellied cranberry sauce that you typically would eat at the holidays. There is, in our house, no such thing as the cranberry sauce from the can. This is the most tasty and wonderful alternative. It’s a delicious and tangy addition to your Thanksgiving Dinner or your Christmas dinner, but don’t wait for a holiday to make this wonderful tangy conserve treat that tastes good with any poultry.

Cranberry Conserve

What is Thanksgiving dinner without a cranberry addition to cleanse the palate between courses? This one is an old recipe that was passed down through several families and is easily the most tasty addition to the meal that you will find.

Cranberry Conserve

For Cranberry Conserve You Will Need:
* 4 cups cranberries
* 2 large oranges
* 1 cup chopped golden raisins
* 2 cups hot water
* 4 cups sugar
* 1 cup chopped nuts (optional, do not use if you know of allergies to nuts)

Cranberry Conserve

To Make Cranberry Conserve: Country Recipes Style Cut oranges into quarters Cranberry Conserve and remove seeds. Cranberry Conserve Grind cranberries, Country Recipes Style and oranges, fruit and rind in food chopper. The Country Recipes Style Add the hot water & bring to a boil. The Country Recipes Style Cook quickly until fruit is soft. The Country Recipes Style Add sugar & raisins. Cook over moderate heat, Cranberry Conserve, stirring often, Country Recipes Style, until thickened. Add chopped walnuts or blanched almonds if desired.

May 1, 2014

Country Fried Chicken - Country Recipes Style

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When it comes to country recipes, there is no doubt that country fried chicken is going to be the most popular. This is a dish most people will consider country food and when you combine it with mashed potatoes, collard greens and even some macaroni and cheese, your family is going to be set for a great meal.

Country Fried Chicken

One of the nice things you will find about country recipes is that when you make them, you have the chance to make adjustments to easily meet your taste without too much concern. These recipes are typically made in a general style and have a lot of room for you to make the dish meet your needs. As you prepare this classic country fried chicken recipe, be sure that you handle the meat properly. You need to ensure that you are washing your hands as you handle the raw meat and ensure that you do not cross contaminate any items in this process. Keep in mind that you can also choose from a whole fryer chicken or one that has been cutup for you already. If you are new to the cooking process, the cutup option will make this dish a bit easier for you to create.

Country Fried Chicken

Classic Country Fried Chicken - Ingredients:
* 4 pounds of chicken pieces
* 1 cup all-purpose flour
* salt and pepper to taste
* 3 teaspoons garlic powder
* 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
* 1 teaspoon rosemary

Country Fried Chicken

How to Make Fried Chicken: Begin by mixing your salt, pepper, rosemary, and flour inside of a paper bag. Then begin to toss around each piece of chicken individually inside of the bag until they are well coated with flour. When this is done, you are going to want to place each piece a skillet with hot oil and let them turn a golden brown. Then you are going to want to remove the chicken and allow the oil to drain.

Country Fried Chicken

At this time, you can choose to bake the chicken for an added level of crispness. If you do this, place it in the oven at 350 for about 10 minutes and ensure there is enough oil on the browned skin to help prevent it from burning. Be sure you keep an eye on it and remove it if the chicken skin is getting too browned.

Serve hot with your other favorite country recipes. There are of course no restrictions on the approach you can take to making this delicious recipe, just pay close attention to cooking times and ensure that your chicken has been cooked to a proper temperature. Then enjoy the country recipe that you have created. There really is no better choice than this chicken recipe when you are looking to make dinner for your family.

Cherry Cheesecake Pie - Country Recipes Style

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Incredibly easy to make and fast as lightning to put together, this cherry cheesecake pie is largely a breeze to create for your own family, relying on a superb mixture of cream cheese and other ingredients to give it the incredible taste and the lightness that is so atypical of cheese cake. In addition, this cheesecake filling has wholesome ingredients that you can sink your teeth into. We specifically recommend not using the main brand name of cream cheese due to their disregard for the efforts of small business and recommend instead that you use a generic or store brand which is not only just as good, but typically far less costly.

Cherry Cheesecake Pie

You can make it in about a third the time of a regular cheesecake and you will never know that you are not eating old fashioned, home baked cherry cheesecake. The flavor is the same, the fat is lower, and the response from your family is going to be all positive. To create that old fashioned cherry cheese cake taste in a jiffy, here is how you make our cherry cheesecake pie. Is there anyone who doesn’t like cheesecake? We don’t personally know of anyone who can resist a luscious country cheesecake complete with piped on decorations created of the cheese cake mixture. This cheesecake is very simple and easy to make and doesn’t require a lot of skill in the kitchen.

Cherry Cheesecake Pie - Country Recipes Style

You Will Need:
One 9 inch pie crust, prebaked and cooled
1 8 ounce package of cream cheese
1/2 small can sweetened condensed milk one/sixth of a cup(about two tablespoons) of concentrated lemon juice
2 tablespoons cream of tartar

Cherry Cheesecake Pie - Country Recipes Style

One can tart Cherry Cheesecake Pie filling: Soften the cream Cherry Cheesecake Pie in the microwave, Cherry Cheesecake Pie using intervals of 15-30 seconds to accomplish that. Stir until it is like soft margarine or butter and is creamy in texture. The Cherry Cheesecake Pie Add the condensed milk and Country Recipes Style the lemon juice and blend on slow speed of your blender or mixer. Add cream of tartar and continue to blend until well mixed. Pour into the prebaked pie shell-reserving about two tablespoons to use in garnishing. Over the top, pour your cherry pie filling to the desired thickness. Put the reserved cream cheese filling into a pastry or decorating bag and using a star tip, pipe small stars around the top of your cheesecake to garnish it.

Refrigerate until firm and cool, usually about an hour prior to serving. You may also make your cheesecake in a graham cracker crust if you prefer and replace the cherry pie filling with blueberry or another favorite.

Baked Beans in a Hurry - Country Recipes Style

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Summer time isn't really summer without the tangy taste of barbecued or baked beans at your barbecue. Cooking out is lovelier with some real country recipes, picnic food, but sometimes you don’t have time to do it the old fashioned way.

Baked Beans in a Hurry - Country Recipes Style

If you love the taste of baked beans, but you just don’t have the time to cook them from scratch, there is another way to get that wonderful taste for your barbecue. In fact, we’re sure you’re not going to be able to tell the difference. Our version of old fashioned baked beans has that smoky flavor and the tangy taste, but requires only about half the time and effort of traditional oven baked beans.

Baked Beans in a Hurry

You will need:
2 cans Campbell’s pork and beans
1 package precooked Oscar Mayer Bacon
1/2 cup Kraft Original style barbecue sauce
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tsp prepared mustard
2 green onions, chopped tops and all
1/4 medium sized green bell pepper, Country Recipes Style diced finely

Baked Beans in a Hurry

To Make Quick and Easy Baked Beans
Pour baked beans into an oven proof bowl or pan
Chop green onions finely and add to bowl
Chop pepper and add

Baked Beans in a Hurry

Chop 5 slices bacon and mix into beans
Top with four or five slices of bacon.
Cook in 350 degree oven for approximately 1/2 hour until beans are bubbling and bacon is crisped.